Monday, 11 April 2011

Marathon Results - with more to come at the weekend

Prior to this weekend's London Marathon where we have Peter Dry, Allan Barrie (I think??) Ingrid Wagner & David Venter all (unofficially) representing the Stragglers JOGLE relay team, we have so far (as far as I am aware) had two marathon finishers for 2011 in Andrew Lane (Brighton) and Kristin Simmers (Sussex).  

Andrew Lane - Brighton - (3:16:11)
Peter Wedderburn - Brighton - (4:05:15)
Kristin Simmers - Sussex Coastal Trail Series - (5:31:57)



  1. Well it does! Dear Team,
    I was so impressed with your form at the Mob Match, that I wondered whether I should share my self-imposed rehab programme with you all!
    I have started a walk run schedule with my friend Jo, a non runner, and we are well into Week 3!!!! What I have not told her is that at the end of week 6, we have a 5k "race". This will of course be a Park run. Currently we are up to 8 mins run and 1 minute walk x3. So wish us luck for to-morrow's sesson. Supporters should make their way to Home Park to-morrow at 11am!
    The Tri is on July 2 at Dorney Lake. The scary but wonderful Ruth Thomson is my coach at Hampton Open Pool. I will tell you about our encounters in another post. Louise N.
