Apologies as there has been some confusion over the dates of the event. This is simply due to my inability to match up days of the week with calendar dates. The final confirmed dates for the JOGLE tour are from Saturday, 16 July to Sunday, 24 July 2011 (including travel days) with the running taking place from 1pm on Sunday 17 July to (hopefully) around 11am on Saturday 23 July. Please ignore any date references in the promotional video in the previous blog last August.
Anyway, the accommodation and travel are now all booked with details of the proposed accommodation on the accommodation tab. We have 19 of the 20 person team confirmed so just seeking one additional runner at this stage. The full list of runners is below:
1. James Flood
2. Andrew Lane
3. Ian Callander
4. Paul Graham
5. Vince Howley
6. Peter Dry
7. Allan Barrie
8. Hilary Hilhouse
9. Cathy Davis
10. Lucille Flood
11. Peter Wedderburn
12. Nigel Rothwell
13. Peter Kennedy
14. Ingrid Wagner
15. David Venter
16. Geoff Miles
17. Graham Brook (pseudonym)
18. Steve Sandham
19. Trevor Ford
We are having a meeting for the runners and anyone else interested in the event on Saturday, 29 January immediately after Kingston parkrun at the Hawker Centre. Please join if you can.